
Masked Singer

Wow!!! Kiitos että sain olla mukana! Mikä kokemus! Olen pelännyt laulamista ihan jumalattomasti, vaikka vanhempani olivat sekä näyttelijöitä että laulajia. Esiinnyin laulaen vanhempieni kanssa kun olin 3-11 vuotias, mutten koskaan sen jälkeen. Lähdin mukaan Masked Singer kilpailuun vaikka inhosin ääntäni, koska Anne Wahlström pyysi minua. Anne ja minä olimme työskennelleet yhdessä kun olin Pertti Pasasen ”opissa” ja olin mukana Uuno Turhapuro sarjassa, Bingo Lotossa ja Speden Speleissä. ”Spede” sanoi minulle kun en uskonut itseeni ”Olet kuule sellainen likka ettet itsekään ymmärrä!” Se sai minut uskaltamaan. Nyt voin vihdoinkin katsoa ohjelmaa hermostumatta. Kaikki ovat niin jumalattoman hyviä!!! Kiitos kaikille jotka äänestivät minua ja megakiitos Annelle ❤️ Joonakselle, kaikille tuotannossa mukana olleille, tanssijoille, Jannelle, Reijalle, Fremantlelle ja MTV3lle!!!! ❤️🙏🏻❤️🙏🏻❤️🙏🏻❤️ Haleja kaikille suomalaisille!! 🇫🇮💞 T. Kisu #maskedsingersuomi @mtv3suomi @fremantlefin @maskedsingersuomi @annewahls @joonashytonen #jannehuttunen @reijaware @mariaveitola @jannekataja @jkokander @ileuusivuori @veeraviveka @etelrohr @lasselipponen @jerejaa @sonjalyytinen @eliaskoskimies @satuarvo @kuustonenmikko @juhisvaltonen @sonjalyytinen @einiofficial

Crowdsignal-block i WordPress

Welcome to this little demo page! We would love to introduce you to our set of Crowdsignal blocks and created this post for you, so that you can test and play with all of them right inside of your editor.

Preview this post if you would like to test the Crowdsignal blocks from your visitors perspective. Oh and please feel free to delete this draft post anytime, it was only created for demo purposes.


Let’s start with a quick overview of all our current blocks available in your WordPress editor. You can find all these blocks inside your block library via searching for their name or simply by searching ”Crowdsignal”.

If you want to learn more about Crowdsignal please go to crowdsignal.com and join our little community all about feedback here.


We all have opinions! Curious about the opinion of your audience? Start asking with our poll block. It makes creating a poll as fast and simple as listing bullet points.

 You can choose between a button or a list style for your answer options, and you can fully customize the styling of the block.  By default the poll block will support your theme styling, but it’s up to you if you want to keep it. You can customize the style how you want, from font-family to border colours.

Just click in the poll below and start editing.

And everything else you expect from a Crowdsignal poll is also available — such as setting “single answer” or “multiple answer” choices, a customised confirmation message, poll timeframe, and avoidance of double voting.

Here is a short demo video for how to set up this block, not that you would need it 😉

Feedback Button

You might have spotted it already, in the bottom left corner of this page: Our Feedback button.

This is a floating button that lives above your site’s content. Always visible this button makes giving feedback easy! User can send you a message and provide their email address so you could can get back to them. Needless to say that you can fully customize the design and text, including the label of the button itself. Feel free to make it a ”Contact me” or ”Say hello” button or anything you like.

And yes, you can change its placement! You can put the button in any corner of your site. Just try it! Click in the feedback and start editing.

Don’t miss out on your customers’ feedback. Keep your door open anytime and place a feedback button on all your pages.


Sometimes we need just quick and fast feedback from our audience. A quick voting button might be all you need. Fully customizable of course.

There is already a “like” button at the end of a WordPress post that you can click to express satisfaction or agreement. But what if you want to ask readers their opinion on a subject in the middle of a post? Or what if you want to present several ideas and find out which one is the most popular? Wouldn’t it be great to ask readers what they think without having to leave the editor or switch to another service or plugin?

That’s what we thought! Say hello to our Voting Block:

It’s a simple block that adds two voting buttons—thumbs up, thumbs down—to your post wherever you want to place them. Customize the block in different sizes and colors, with or without a border, and with or without a visible vote counter. Put several in a single post, next to different ideas, to see how they stack up for readers. Make the block your own!


The Applause block is a simpler and more playful version of our Voting block. The main differences are users only being able to give positive feedback and encouraging users to “make as much noise as they want”. Meaning this block does not only allow repeated voting, but even encourages it.

Let your audience make some noise with a big round of applause.

Preview this post and try clapping yourself! It’s fun.

The block currently comes in three different sizes, and can be customised with a button-like styling, including a border, border radius and some colour customisation options.

Embed Surveys & Forms

So far we only talked about quick and fast ways to collect feedback or opinions from your audience. But what if you have many questions or want to create simple forms? You can do this with Crowdsignal, too! Create a survey or form on app.crowdsignal.com and embed it into your WordPress post or site. Similar like here:

The Crowdsignal survey above was embedded using our ”Single question per page mode.” It’s exactly what it sounds like: In this mode, no matter how many questions your survey has, your respondents will always see one question at a time. Single Mode shines when you embed a survey into your website or blog post. Surveys with multiple questions can take up a lot of space, overwhelming your site. If you’re not sure whether your readers will take the survey at all, it disrupts the reading experience. With Single Mode, a survey  uses the same amount of space as an image, even a really long survey.

Once they provide an answer (or skip the question),  the next question loads. It has a playful  feel, like flipping through a slide show. Every answered question feels like progress.

You can choose between several transition options, and decide whether the questions should move from top to bottom, or from left to right.

Ready to create one? Here’s how:

– Go to app.crowdsignal.com (we will log you in with your WordPress.com account – magic ;)) .

– Create a new survey.

– In the Editor, choose “Single Mode” at the top left.

– Then create as many questions as you like and style your theme.

– When you are ready click on Sharing and copy the URL of your survey.

– Go back to your WordPress editor and paste the URL of your survey into your post

– Done! Your survey will appear in your post.

Here is a short demo video for you that shows you how it works in less than a minute:

Measure NPS

While we are driving our projects, working hard on our products, we all wonder: How are we doing? Are people satisfied with our service? Are we doing better since last month? 

Sometimes you want to measure your progress over time. Measure and monitor the customer satisfaction and growth potential of your product with a Net Promoter Score.

We have built a Gutenberg block for you that makes it easier than ever before to track your Net Promoter Score on WordPress. If you have previewed this post before, you might have seen the NPS question already in a modal window.

The moment you add the block, you are basically done. The design of the block is based on your site’s theme. You can still customize the styling of the block, or edit the questions, but that might not even be necessary.

To get the most out of your NPS data, it is important to show the question only to users that are already familiar with your service or product. You can configure the block to only show to repeat visitors. It’s more likely you will get feedback from someone who knows what they are talking about, and you can make sure new users are not interrupted during their first visit to your site.

After you publish the block go to the results page of the block and monitor your results. We have built a special results page for you to track your NPS score and to analyse any additional feedback.

We provide an analytics dashboard with our block that automatically calculates the Net Promoter Score for you in real-time and allows you to monitor your score over time. Are the differences geographic? Filter your results based on countries.

By the way, did you know you also can get email notifications or a ping in your Slack channel any time you get an NPS rating? Just click on the little “connect” button on your results page.

Here is a quick tutorial video on how it works.

Älskade pappa

Exakt för fyra år sedan (2 november 2016) träffade jag min pappa för sista gången.
Han hade varit inlagd på sjukhus pga lunginflammation under flera veckors tid. Jag reste till Finland så ofta jag kunde. Nu hade pappa frågat om han kunde få träffa ”småpiorna”. Det kändes som om det var väldigt viktigt för honom. I slutet på oktober tog jag, Olivia och Cecilia båten över till Helsingfors.
Min hemstad var vackrare än någonsin. Snön som täckte marken lyste upp den redan ljusa staden på ett trolskt sätt. Under vårt sista besök hos pappa försökte han skämta och skoja med flickorna så som han alltid hade gjort, men jag såg att han var trött. Jag blev rädd.
Vi tog båten till Stockholm. Min mobil ringde tidigt på morgonen. Alldeles för tidigt. Jag visste. Pappa hade gått bort.
Pappa. Min älskade pappa. NEEEEEJ!!!!!! Han skulle ha fyllt 95 i december…men ändå var det en chock när det hände på riktigt. Det kändes som om en del av mitt hjärta också dog. Vi var ju ett! Pappa skulle ju leva för alltid.
Hemma i Bromma hade allt också blivit vitt. Snön fortsatte falla i flera dygn. Plötsligt hade den mörka hösten förvandlats till den ljusaste och vackraste av alla vintrar. Det var som ett tecken från ovan. Från pappa. Jag hade aldrig träffat en människa med starkare kärlek till livet, med mer livsglädje, än pappa. Jag har fortfarande inte gjort det. Det finns ingenting och ingen som kan ta hans plats. Jag kommer att för alltid känna samma saknad när jag tänker på honom, men jag vet att pappa lever vidare. Han finns i mitt hjärta och han finns i mina flickors hjärtan. Älskar dig pappa ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ @borjelampenius #actor #skådespelare @svenskateatern #näyttelijä

Den sanna jag

Journalister frågar ofta hur jag blivit den jag är… som om jag först nu hade blivit ”den sanna Linda”.
Den här frågan har spökat i mitt huvud nu när jag jobbat med min biografi och den kommande dokumentär-TV-serien om mitt liv.
Jag har hittat svaret i en text ur Leena Krohns bok ”Kadotus”, som min kära barndomsvän och kollega, Maiju Kauppinen, lagt upp på Instagram.

”Det sägs ofta att en person måste leva här och nu. Varför skulle man behöva göra det?
Ett djur måste leva här och nu, människan måste inte det (…)
Jag är varken denna eller bara här.
Min kropp rör sig ofta i sina handlingar i en egen tid, som en slags automat, medan jag själv lever på en annan plats en annan dag, i det förflutna eller i en dröm.
Jag lever inte i världen utan i mitt sinne.
Jag var inte ett barn när jag var barn, och jag är inte gammal nu, även om folk tror det.
Jag är något helt annat, något icke-existerande, tyngdlöst, obefintligt men ändå evigt. ”.
(Fritt översatt ur boken ”Kadotus”)

Saan usein kysymyksiä siitä ”miten minusta on tullut minä”, aivan kuin vasta nyt olisin muodostunut ”oikeaksi Lindaksi”, kaikkien elämänkokemusteni kautta.
Tämä kysymys on riivannut minua viime aikoina elämänkertaa kirjoittaessani ja tulevaa dokumentti TV-sarjaa tehdessä.
Olen löytänyt vastauksen Maiju Kauppisen postauksesta ❤️ Maiju julkaisi tekstin Leena Krohnin fantastisesta kirjasta ”Kadotus”:

”Usein sanotaan että ihmisen pitää elää tässä ja nyt. Miksi pitäisi?
Eläimen on elettävä tässä ja nyt, ei ihmisen tarvitse (…)
Minäkään en ole tämä enkä tässä.
Usein minunkin ruumiini kulkee toimissaan kuin omia aikojaan, eräänlaisena automaattina, kun taas minä itse elän toisessa paikassa toista päivää, mennyttä tai uneksittua.
En elä maailmassa vaan mielessäni.
En ollut lapsi silloin kun olin lapsi, enkä ole vanha nyt, vaikka ihmiset niin luulevat.
Minä olen jotain ihan muuta, joka on kuin ei-mitään, painoton, olematon ja silti ikuinen.”

Christmas Music

Snart Jul igen…Dags att välja julmusik på Spotify 🎅🏻🎻🎶🎄❤️
Vilken ära, att Lars Nilsson på Nilento producerade min julskiva ”ANGELS” !!!
Det mesta spelades in live, med alla musiker & sångare på plats i Hemsjö kyrka. Det känns verkligen som om man sitter i kyrkan och lyssnar live när man hör skivan.

Gästartister: Nils Landgren, Ulf Wakenius, Kalle Moraeus, Sofia Källgren, Fredrik Lycke. 🙏🏻❤️

Arr: Paula Af Malmborg Ward, Dan Evmark, Tormod Tvete Vik, Olov Helge 🙏🏻❤️

Harpa: Delphine Constantin Reznik 🙏🏻❤️
Kvartett: Hvila 🙏🏻❤️
Kör: Leif Strands damkör 🙏🏻❤️

Linda Lampenius luontaistuotteet

kaupallinenyhteistyö http://www.better4you.fi 🍏🥕🍒🥑 Olen USA-vuosistani asti syönyt erilaisia luontaistuotteita. Olen niin iloinen siitä että Betteryou on antanut minun koota kaikki tarvitsemani vitamiinit ja hivenaineet kahteen tuotteeseen (DAY ja NIGHT). Tuotteissa myös omega 7, helokkiöljyä, kollageenia, punariisiä, msm, inkivääriuutetta, Q10 ja maitohappobakteereja. •

Matkustan paljon ja elämäni on melko epäsäännöllistä, mutta nämä tuotteet ovat mukanani joka aamu ja ilta. Toivottavasti tykkäätte näistä yhtä paljon kuin minä 😍🥑🍎 •

Mehiläisen siitepölyrakeet – 1000 mg
Karpalouute – 200 mg
C-vitamiini – 200 mg (250 %)*
Inkivääriuute – 50 mg
Q10 – 50 mg
Beetakaroteeni – 15 mg
D3-vitamiini (Kolekalsiferoli) – 50 µg (1000%)*
Maitohappobakteerikanta – 1 x 10 cfu** •

Kalakollageeni (tyyppi 1) – 400 mg
Punariisi – 300 mg
MSM – 300 mg
Magnesiumbisglysinaatti – 56 mg (15%)*
Tyrnimarjauute (Omega-7) – 200 mg
Helokkiöljy – 100 mg
Pinaattiuute – 100 mg
Parsakaaliuute – 100 mg
Rautafumaraatti – 20 mg (143%)*
Sinkkisitraatti – 15 mg (150%)*

Livestream with Michael Mc.Glynn, Isaac S. Cates and Linda Lampenius


The livestream last night https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Em-N-nptVyQ&feature=youtu.be gave us all much to ponder. The situation in the USA 😢 Gospel. Feelings and colours in music. Soloists vs ensemble musicians. What’s an artists mission actually? We should always serve the composer, the audience and the music. It was amazing listening to Isaac 🙌 Thank you Michael and Isaac!!! ❤️❤️ •

Check us out on Facebook or YouTube

@anunaofficial @isaac_cates #anuna #lindalampenius #violinist #singer #choir #gospel #ireland #usa #sweden

Saara Aalto and Linda Lampenius “Walking in the air”


Playing violin solo and violin strings on fabulous Saara Aalto’s song “Walking in the Air” 🎶🎻💕⭐️ •

@saaraaalto #walkingintheair #singer #saaraaalto #song #violinist #violin #lindalampenius

Documentary and autobiography

I filmed my life almost daily with a digital video camera between 1997 and 2006. I’ve carried those tapes (hundreds) with me from country to country. My parents had also filmed me when I was a child. Now these tapes will be useful in the making of a documentary about my life.

#documentary #videotapes #digital #violinist #concert #classicalmusic #folkegräsbeck #timokoskinen #pianist #bjornborg #fashionshow @nordiskakompaniet @baywatch_tv @davidhasselhoff @therealdavidchokachi @playboy #playboymansion #monza @ferrari @f1 #formula1 #asia #playboyjazzfestival #taiwan #korea #fashionshoot #magazinecover #book #autobiography #lindalampenius #lindabrava

Bonnier Strawberry Bonnier

Bonnier…Strawberry…Bonnier… Jag följer dig till världens ände 😉👍
. . .
Repost @anderssjoqvist ・・・
Strawberry Förlag blir en del av Bonnier Books. Nya tider – nya utmaningar! Är väldigt glad att vi fortsätter på vår utstakade väg med våra fantastiska författare! 🍓#strawberryförlag @strawberryforlag


We were supposed to perform at “Silja Rock” May 15-17… well 🦠 BUT… we will do those shows Nov 6-8 instead 😃🎶🎉🥰🤘 #siljarock #classicgoesrock @patrikjablonski #ellinorasp @hellinormusic @peroweewo #lindalampenius #grandpiano #singer #guitarrist #violinist #classicalmusic #rock #siljaline #tallinksilja